Krugersdorp High School is situated in Krugersdorp on the West Rand, approximately 25 kilometer from Johannesburg. It is located on a ridge with a view of the Magaliesburg Mountains to the North.  Established on 17 hectares of a north facing hill slope, the school is surrounded by a windbreak of majestic pine trees which protects much of the school from an ever-present wind.

From a humble beginning in a church 106 yrs ago with just 12 pupils, the school has grown to over 1200 strong.  Krugersdorp High School has built up the tradition as being very strong in the academic, cultural, sporting and other spheres.  It was once said, Life does not consist of the number of years lived, but rather how those years were spent. This, in essence, is how the tradition of the school has built up over 100 years of achievement in academic, cultural, sporting, commercial and other spheres.

From a humble beginning in a Baptist church in 1903 with 12 pupils on register, the school grew to 70 pupils by 1906, when a move was made to a wood and iron building in Human street.  This building burnt down in 1912, with classes resuming shortly thereafter in the Methodist Church Hall.  The foundation stone of the new building was laid in 1914 and 6 teachers and 60 pupils moved into the building which stands today.

The years between 1914 and 1947 saw tremendous growth.  During this time a number of  Headmasters came and went, all to leave the school a better place.  In 1993 the pavilion with its multi-faceted usage was completed, the grounds improved and the school buildings were renovated.

A nature reserve with indigenous flora and abundant bird life also graces the campus.  In 1994 Mr. H. Harman was welcomed and the Computer Centre was extended to house 40 computer stations.

Night school was introduced for adult literacy and education.  A fence has been erected around the school and many new classrooms have been built.  Carports have recently been built in the parking area to protect the cars of visitors and staff. There is also a security guard at the main gate and the whole campus is under 24 hour security, just to make sure all is well at KHS.

Milestones in the history of Krugersdorp High School

1903The school is opened as a fee-paying grammar or secondary school on Friday, 24 April, in the Baptist Church at the corner 

of Monument and Burger Streets, under Miss H Martin. There were thirty pupils.

1904Miss Martin preserves the autonomy of the school by preventing its proposed amalgamation with the Town School.

1905The school moves to Van Leenhoff Street (now Joubert Street).

In August Mr C S Hand takes over from Miss Martin, who returns to England.

Lord Selborne, the High Commissioner of SA, visits Krugersdorp, and the boys of the school join the town Cadet Corps as 

his guard of honour.

The first Annual Prize Distribution takes place.

1906A new wood and iron school is built on a site between Burger and     

Human Streets.

1912The wood and iron school burns down.

Classes are reopened in the Wesleyan Methodist Church in Burger Street. 

Mr Hand and the School Committee lead several delegations to Pretoria asking for the status of the school to be

 hanged to that of a high school.

1913Mr Hand retires. Mr J B Drake is Acting Principal.

1914The foundation stone of the new school in Human Street is laid by the Hon. J F B Rissik, Administrator of the Transvaal. 

The Governing Body takes over from the former Secondary School Committee. 

Mr H C Reeve is appointed Headmaster. 

The new school buildings in Human Street are occupied. 

Former students and staff are on active service in the First World War.

1916General Louis Botha, first Premier of the Union of South Africa, visits Krugersdorp and the KHS cadet corps are called 

upon to provide his bodyguard.

1917The Association of Old Students of Krugersdorp High School is   

founded on 28 September.

1918All Transvaal schools are closed during the 4th term because of the influenza epidemic. 

Many staff and the Boy Scouts among the pupils assist the Krugersdorp Health Committee during the epidemic and 

are awarded municipal medals for their efforts.

1919The School Crest is designed by Mr Gregor, and the motto "Sapientia Vincit" is adopted. 

The first Inter High Sports meeting is held at the Wanderers, Johannesburg, with Jeppe, King Edward VII, Pretoria, 

Potchefstroom, St John's, Marist Brothers, Heidelberg and Krugersdorp High Schools participating.

1920The Houses - Diaz, Gama, Houtman and Lancaster – are introduced    

1922In the Imperial Challenge Shield for shooting, the school is placed seventh in the Empire, with the seniors placing 

third in SA and the juniors fourth.

School colours are introduced for exceptional achievement.

Rugby replaces Association football.

1925The under 15 Rugby team wins the championship of West Rand Schools League, not surprisingly, since the team 

boasts future Springbok hooker, Jan Lotz

1930Mr Reeve retires after sixteen years as Headmaster.

The Head Boy, R Dick, on behalf of the pupils, presents the school with the Reeve Shield to perpetuate the memory 

of the Principal in the school.

1931Mr T Williams is appointed as the new Headmaster. He actively campaigns to raise funds for new school sports grounds 

and to get suitable land donated by the town council.

1933The first mixed KHS swimming gala is held at the new Krugersdorp Baths. 

The Rugby 1st XV is promoted to the first league and has the privilege of playing in curtain raisers at Ellis Park when 

Transvaal plays the Wallabies and when Transvaal plays Country Districts.

1935General J C Smuts, Deputy Prime Minister of South Africa and Minister of Justice, visits the school on the occasion of its 21st anniversary.

1936Mr R B Rogers succeeds Mr Williams as Headmaster.

1938A new school site in Kenmare is obtained.

1939Past students and the staff, including Mr Rogers, participate in the Second World War, with Mr L T Edwards serving as Acting Headmaster during Mr Rogers' absence.

1945The two foundation stones of the new school are laid by the Administrator of the Transvaal, General J J Pienaar and

 by Mr John Duthie, MEC

1946The Memorial Avenue is planted to commemorate those who made the supreme sacrifice in WWII.

1947The new school in Kenmare is occupied.

1948The Book of Memory is unveiled by Mr J H Hofmeyr, MP.

1949The 1st XI, encouraged and inspired by the former Springbok cricketer, Ken Viljoen, win the 

Transvaal Administrator's Cup. 

1950The Hostel for boys and girls is opened. 

The Parents' Fundraising Committee is established.

1951The new geography room and extra classrooms on the East Wing   

are completed.

1952Mr S F van der Merwe succeeds Mr Rogers as Headmaster.

1953KHS celebrates its Golden Jubilee Year. 

Mr A N Boyce and Miss C Brück are appointed Vice-Principals. 

The new class block, which includes the library and staff room, is completed. 

The bronze replica of the secretary bird, designed by Mr Tienie Pitout, the art teacher, is unveiled in the 

Northern Quadrangle.

1954The swimming pool is opened by Mr W M Nicol, the Administrator  

of the Transvaal.

1957The new cricket oval is opened by Peter May, Captain of the Marylebone Cricket Club. 

The grounds north of the school are levelled to accommodate the girls' hockey field.

1958The first operetta, "The King of Sherwood", is produced.

1959The Honours Boards presented by the Old Students are unveiled  in the foyer.

1961The swimming pool change rooms are opened.

1963The Diamond Jubilee is commemorated. 

New tuck shop plans are accepted.

1966The Hostel is expanded to accommodate 165 pupils and the alterations are officially opened by Mr K S De Haas, MEC.

1970The new school hall and the alterations to the school are opened by Dr A L Kotze, the Director of Education. 

The new Girls' Hostel is opened by Mr S G J van Niekerk, Director of Education.

1971The A N Boyce museum, established by Mr L W Vorster in honour of the former Vice-   Principal, is opened by Prof. 
Boyce, head of the Johannesburg College of Education.

1973The 70th anniversary of the school is celebrated. 

Mr S F van der Merwe retires as Headmaster after 41 years at the    

school – 4 as a pupil, and 37 as a staff member.

1974Mr W M Hudson is appointed as Headmaster.

1976Mr J W Hall is appointed as Senior Housemaster of the Girls' Hostel. 

The Students Council, Academic Council, Cultural Council and Sporting Councils are introduced. 

KHS celebrates the centenary of the TED.

1977Mr L W Vorster is appointed as Senior Housemaster to the Boys' Residence.

1978The 75th anniversary of the school is celebrated with a prestigious evening. 

Mr D A Hearne is Acting Headmaster, owing to the secondment of Mr Hudson to the Pretoria College of Education.

1980Mr Hudson leaves for the Natal Education Department. 

KHS become the SA Schools Bisley Champions.

1981Mr T Langley is appointed as Headmaster. 

The Annual Double Wicket Cricket Day is introduced.

1982The H C Reeve Pavilion is opened by the Assistant Director of Education of the TED, Dr Ken Paine, a former pupil 
of the school.

1983The 80th Anniversary of KHS is celebrated. 

Renovations to the school and to the Boys' Residence commence. 

The Past Students Association is revived again.

1984Mr T C Greyvenstein is appointed as Senior Housemaster for the Boys' Residence. The West Rand Band and 

Drill Squad Competition is held at KHS. 

The rededication of Memorial Avenue takes place with Mr S F van der Merwe as the guest of honour.

1985Mr J W Hall and Mr A J van Tonder are appointed as Deputy Headmasters. 

KHS is classified as a GS school (Complex High School).

1986The Boys' and Girls' Residences are extended and renovated. 

Mr J W Hall is appointed as the first Senior Deputy Headmaster. 

The Girls 1st Tennis team wins the Southern Transvaal regional finals to become the first team to reach the quarter 

finals of the Administrator's Cup

1987Mr T C Greyvenstein and Mr D J Botha are appointed as Deputy Headmasters. 

KHS enters the computer age. 

The school celebrates the centenary of Krugersdorp. 

The Boys and Girls Volleyball teams are the SA Champions. 

The School Driver Education programme commences. 

The Witwatersrand Band and Drill Squad Finals are held at KHS, who also win the Witwatersrand Command Trophy

for overall Cadet Competence.

1988Mr D J Botha is appointed Senior Housemaster of the Boys' Residence. 

The computer room and office block additions are completed. 

A world volleyball record is set at 118 hours. 

The 1st Cricket team reaches the finals of the Director's Trophy of the Transvaal, as do the U/13 and U/16 Netball teams. 

The Diaz, Huguenot and Great Trek festivals are celebrated. 

Mr M W Sasman and Mrs C Grobbelaar produce a revue of all their operettas.

1989The year of Marathons:

The Bible is copied continuously for 52 hours, from St Matthew's Gospel to the Epistle to the Romans.

Music is played continuously for 100 hours. 

A new Guinness Book of Records for playing tennis is set. 

The Witwatersrand Band and Drill Squad Finals are held at KHS. 

In Volleyball, the Girls' team wins the SA Schools' Championships and seven boys and girls are selected to the 

SA Schools' Team. 

KHS opens its own private Nature Reserve.

1990The Houtman one-act play, The Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen's Guild Dramatic Production of

 "Macbeth" goes through to the Director's Cup Finals. The June Carnival is the biggest ever held at KHS. 

In September the new computer centre is opened.

1991The Std 9 Bivouacs for girls and boys are introduced. 

The third Annual Mashie Golf Day is held. 

The annual Variety Concert utilizing the many talents of parents and staff is held for the first time. 

KHS wins the Krugersdorp Street Mile. 

Lyndie Jooste achieves 6 distinctions in Matric.

1992KHS officially becomes a Model C school. 

Mr I Blackstock is appointed as the Deputy Headmaster, as well as the Senior Housemaster for the Girls' Residence. 

KHS opens its doors to pupils of other races.

1993KHS celebrates its 90th Anniversary. 

Miss S M Green is appointed as Deputy Principal.

1994Mr H J R Harman succeeds Mr Langley as the ninth principal of KHS.

1995Jason Mortimer, Dane van Zanten and Michael Tweitz represent South Africa as the National Schools' Champions at the 

World Schools Golf Finals in England.

1996The Governing Body employs extra staff owing to the downsizing of school staff by the Education Department.

1997The Rugby and Girls' Hockey teams tour Australia. 

The Netball girls win the North of the Vaal competition. 

Co-operative learning is introduced. 

Mrs L A Menego is appointed as the second Deputy Principal.

1998Roger Thompson obtains 9 distinctions in his Matric exams. 

Girls may now wear trousers in the winter.

1999The Astro Cricket pitch is laid. 

Three new classrooms are built and the tuck shop is extended.

2000Hockey tours to Malaysia and Holland / UK respectively are made by the girls and boys.

2001Bonolo Maboa is the SA U/17 Champion in the 800m. 

Bryce Viegas becomes the U/19 World Diathlon Champion.

2002Bonolo Maboa is the fastest U/17 boy in SA over 400m and 800m and represents South Africa at the IAAF World 

Junior Championships in Kingston, Jamaica and at the ISF World Gymnasia, where he wins Gold in the 800m

 in a time of 1:49.93. 

The 2003 Committee launches the Centenary celebrations at a function held in the S F van der Merwe Hall in November.

2003KHS celebrates its centenary year. 

The Tony Vorster oval is opened by his widow, Alice Vorster, herself a former teacher at KHS, on 26 January 2003.

The First Cricket Team tour the United Kingdom as part of the centenary celebrations.

2004Post Centenary stress.

Overseas tours become hugely fashionable – Boys Hockey to the U.K. and Spain, Girls Hockey and Netball to Malaysia. 

Rugby to Argentina and Art tour to Europe.

Mr G. Dippenaar and Mrs Y. Murray leave KHS.  

Most outstanding Grade 12 pupil – Christopher Dykes.

First year of Junior Operetta – bit of history called Don’t Miss the Boat.

Senior Operetta – God spell 

Melton Rasimphi – 2nd in S.A. Championships 3000 m Steeplechase, 1st Gauteng Triathlon,  1st Gauteng Duathlon,  9th 

ranking worldwide at 2004 World Championships.

Wonderful season for 1st Rugby team with great Easter Festival.  

Great season for 1st Cricket XI with 18 wins form 23 games.

Matric results : 99,6% pass rate – 72% university entrance.  252 distinctions (mostly Higher Grade)

2005Staff l  Staff left  – Miss Wannenburg, Mr Haworth, Mrs Gebhardt.

Girl's Hostel new headmistress – Me. Elliott.

Rugby Easter Festival.

Water  Waterpolo/Cricket tours to Natal.

Orienteering as an extramural makes an appearance.

Senior Operetta: District Six – hugely successful.

Junior Operetta : Livit up – huge cast, great energy.

200 old pupils on Grade 10 Bonding Camp – a record.

Matric results – 100% pass rate.  71% matric university entrance.  School ranked 7th in Gauteng.  242 distinctions.  
Daniel Cucukovic: 11 distinctions.  

2006Staff left - Miss Russell, Miss Hobbs, Mr Young, Mrs Perreira (Office), Mrs Thomas.

Matric results - 100% pass rate.  72.7% matric university entrance.  School ranked 2nd  in Gauteng.  239 distinctions.  

Jedd Hart: 8 distinctions

Second Team Cricket Tour to the United Kingdom, during which KHS beat Eaton College.

2007Construction started on the Astroturf for Hockey, situated between the Girls' Hostel and the tennis courts.

Mr Henry Harman retires as Principal after tenure of 14 years.

Mr John Hall retires from active teaching but agrees to stay on as Sports Administrator and coach.

Mrs Pixie Mountjoy retires from active teaching but agrees to continue coaching Netball.

The Henry Harman Hockey Astro is officially opened in April.

2008Mr Ivan Bailey is appointed the new Principal of KHS.

Mr Mark Moore is appointed Deputy Principal with the Sports Director portfolio.

Mr Chris Phillips is appointed Deputy Principal in charge of discipline and school finances.

Matric results - 100% pass rate, 250 subject distinctions, 80% matric university entrance, Roxanne Rule and 

Amy Trembling obtain 8 distinctions each.

2009Girls Netball Tour to Namibia, girls Hockey Tour to Egypt and Holland and boys Cricket Tour to the United Kingdom.

Start of the foundation work for the establishment of a KHS Foundation.


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